At 18 months, Scarlett:
*is 31 inches tall (she wiggled but I assume she is around 50%ile)
*weighs 24 pounds (50%ile)
*wears size 4 diapers and size 5 shoes
*has blue eyes and curly blond hair. Her curls are growing longer but staying tight!
*sleeps GREAT. She goes to bed anywhere from 7:30 to 8:30 and sleeps about 12 hours straight.
She also takes good naps - one a day that can be 1.5-3 hours long.
*walks, climbs, runs, dribbles a soccer ball. Loves to climb in and out of chairs and on steps
*had her first bloody incident - she busted her lip on our bed. We were both covered in blood but she didn't cry long!
*TALKS! All the time! People are always commenting on her blond curls or the fact that she talks so much. My favorite words and phrases that she says are, "Hold you?" "where's sissy?" "bubbles" "k" (which is her answer to everything!) ""waffle" "paci bankie??" (those are always said together, she has to have them at the same time), "vroom vroom" (about the vacuum cleaner), "dangerous" and "Scarwett no?" - probably because she hears these last two often!*can count - I've heard her say 1-7 but she likes to do 6-11 over and over
*says parts of her ABCs and some of the songs that Lilli sings or that she learns in Bible class
*doesn't always love "tick tock" - sometimes we can leave her and sometimes she cries. I think she just wants to play in the nursery!
*loves Cooper and Brady. She loves to pet them and often asks where they are. She calls out "Cooper, here buddy" outside and it is precious
She has her mouth and each hand full of "babas" which are baby tomatoes! I cut them up for her but she stole these from Lil! |
Pooh goes everywhere! |
*loves following her sister and doing everything she does. This is why she knows so many things- she copies Lilli
*would swing all day long if we would let her. Could care less about the trampoline, Cozy Coupe or chalk - if we are outside, she says "swing!?!" and begs to be put in it
*eats everything - but her favorites are waffles, carrots, apples, bananas, dry cereal, and anything sweet! She eats great just like Lilli, although neither of them love meat!
*is still rear facing but hates getting in her car seat. We are thinking of turning her soon
*is a snuggler. She loves to crawl in our laps and give hugs. Sometimes she will come behind me and hug my leg while I am cooking. I hope I never forget this!
*gives high fives and fist bumps, hugs and kisses
*loves her Nana but ADORES her PawPaw. She always asks for him
Scarlett Jean,
We cannot imagine our lives without the joy that you bring. We don't go anywhere without someone commenting on how happy, beautiful, funny and precious you are - and we agree! Your sister is teaching you so many things and for that we are thankful. You look up to her and miss her every minute she is away. Your friendship is strong and your bond is unbreakable. We are so thankful for you and want to stop time because we love this age so much!