Sunday, June 17, 2012

Scarlett is EIGHT months old!

Every time I start a new blog entry about Scarlett I think to myself that I cannot believe she is this old.  And tonight is no exception.  She is growing at a warped speed.  I wish time would slow down so I could enjoy it a little more!

At eight months, Scarlett:
*weighs 17 pounds 9.5 ounces (50%ile)
*is 27.5 inches long (75%ile)
*sleeps a 12 hour night - we aim for bedtime at 7:30.  She still wakes about 3 times now and takes one bottle in the middle of the night and sometimes a small bottle around 5:30 AM. Her sleep is improving, I hear her cry out but soothe herself back to sleep and that is a big deal!
*Naps are GREAT!  She is consistently napping 2 times a day, each one 3 hours after waking.   Naps can be around 1.5 to 2 hours.  YAY!
*Sleeps on her side or belly, sometimes takes paci
*Is no longer breastfeeding.  We weaned on June 12.  I ended up sick and needed to take some medicine which I didn't want in her system.  It has been ok, I miss it but I don't think she realizes the difference.  The sleep improvements help me feel better about it!  Overall we lasted 3 months longer than with Lilli and made our 6 month goal so that is something to be proud of.
*LOVES to self feed - puffs and rice cakes are her favorites.  She loves apples, pears, avocados, bread, basically anything we give her.  She still doesn't love to be spoon fed and is quite messy.
*Still just 2 bottom teeth but I expect the two top teeth to pop through any day now because she is fussy and chewing on everything!
*Babbles a ton.  Tonight at church she got pretty loud but it was adorable!  I notice she is using "Mama" quite a bit and I think with purpose.

*has light blue eyes with dark blonde hair
*wears 9-12 month clothes, size 1 shoe and size 3 Pampers
*sits easily on her own, rolls EVERYWHERE and is trying to crawl.  She doesn't get on all fours but she is trying to...when she does she goes backwards!  It is cute and she is getting fast at rolling/moving around.  I am constantly picking up little things on the floor that she wants to put in her mouth!
*loves to be held and has separation anxiety when I leave the room, starting to get upset at strangers.
*is happy 99% of the time, aside from teething!

See how she has grown?

Sunday, June 3, 2012

A Snow White Party!

Lilli LOVES Snow White.  It was the first princess movie she ever watched (my old VHS - saw it with her PawPaw) and she has been addicted ever since.  She probably watches it 5 times a week, which means I have seen it MANY, many times!  Jason had the idea of a Snow White 3rd birthday party and I knew she would be thrilled!

I am going to post some party details.  It was hard finding inspiration on the internet that wasn't ALL the Disney Princesses - but I found one good blog and got a vision from there.   I loved the idea of doing something NOT Disney related but it proved to be harder than I thought!

The invitation was designed by bnute on Etsy and was my starting point.  Betsy was GREAT to work with and I would use her again in a heartbeat!
I loved the woodland feel and knew I wanted to head that direction.

To start, I took Lilli out in a field and took her picture to have framed at the entrance -

 I bought this birdhouse at Hobby Lobby and thought it would make the perfect cottage - which my Mom painted.

We had the party in between lunch and dinner so we just served cupcakes, green "witches brew" punch and finger foods for the kids.  The table had lots of burlap and little animals (bunnies, squirrels, birds.)
I made the cupcakes to look like red apples.  Just regular cupcakes with red liners and red icing.  Then some red sanding sugar with chocolate and fruit tootsie rolls for the stem/leaf.  They were yummy, too!

I wanted to have a "Candy Mine" like I saw in the blog.  We had jewel toned ring pops and rock candies, along with gold Reeses cups and silver Hershey kisses.  I needed more crates and a wheelbarrow, but couldn't find any cheap enough!  In the end, the kids seemed to like it and that is what mattered!

For favors, the kids had individual burlap sacks and they were able to grab candy (and jewels) to put inside

We had the party at our church (instead of our house, where we had her other two birthday parties) and that was a great decision.  Lots of room for the kids to sit together and adults to socialize at the big tables in the back.

Each table had a burlap sack with a dwarf diecut from here on Etsy, jewels from Hobby Lobby and a little mirror from Michaels.
 The kids' tables matched the colors of the party - I love when that happens!

We played "pin the nose on Dopey" with a large Dopey poster made by my mom.

We sang "Happy Birthday" and ate cupcakes 

and opened presents
Scarlett was partied out!
 Thankfully she woke in time for some family photos!
 My parents and sister (seated because she broke her leg the week before!)

 Mom made Scarlett's outfit - including the ruffle bloomers

Sweet sisters!  (and Lilli with her hilarious fake smile...)

Overall it was a great party.  Lilli is still talking about it, almost 2 months later.  I think that is a sign of a good time! :o)