Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Scarlett is SIX months old!

At six months, Scarlett:
*weighs 15 lbs 4 ounces (25%ile)
*is 26.5 inches long (80%ile)

*sleeps from about 7:30 to 7:30 with two wake-ups/feedings.  She wakes around midnight and takes a 6 oz bottle of formula from Jason and wakes at 5 am and nurses.  Sometimes she will wake another time for a pacifier but not every night.  We are hoping she will drop a feeding on her own soon, but thankful for the progress she has made over the past month or so.
  *Takes 2-3 naps a day, usually around 9:30 and 1 and then sometimes a catnap in the afternoon around 4 if I can get her to.  She can't get a consistent schedule because we are always out and about!  I usually get one good nap that is 1.5 hours or more and the others are 35 minutes and typically in her carseat.
*Sleeps in her crib with 2 pacifiers and a giraffe lovey. She likes to watch her Rainforest soother and that helps when she is wide awake to get her settled. She rolls around all over the crib though and will turn it on accidentally sometimes!  She likes to sleep on her side but I found her on her belly twice last night!  She hates to be on her tummy so I hope this isn't a new trend!
*nurses every 3.5 hours but is very distracted and doesn't seem to eat long.  I guess she is full but she is quick!
*Enjoys solid food, has had white fruits (bananas, apples, pears) and orange veggies (sweet potatoes, squash) but she doesn't like squash.  She does better when it is thicker so I plan to do small soft pieces soon.

*Diapers are everchanging.  If I eat dairy she has a yucky stool so I know she still can't tolerate that well.  Otherwise they are kinda thick and brown.
*Eyes are blue and hair is dark blonde - with a curl on top!
*Wears 6-12 month clothes and size 1 shoe.  Size 2 diapers
*LOVES to blow raspberries and soak her shirts and whoever is holding her
*Adores her sister.  Lilli can always make her laugh!
*Can sit up unassisted for a brief time and is getting better every day
*Loves to "gum" Sophie the Giraffe and suck on any stuffed animal.  She has found her toes and any clothes on her will soon be in her mouth
*Can "babble" a little bit
*Went swimming for the first time - here was her reaction:
*Eventually she got used to it -

*Experienced her first Easter

Lilli took this picture - she definitely doesn't look like my baby with that light hair and light eyes!

Hard to believe you are 6 months old, Scarlett Jean!  Every day you show more and more personality and we just know you are going to be a joy (and possibly a little spitfire!)  You laugh alot and only cry a little and are so easy to take out and about.  We consider ourselves lucky to be your parents! All our love, sweet baby girl!

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