Thursday, January 19, 2012

Scarlett is THREE months old!

Just look at that sweet face!  Scarlett is THREE months old!
At 3 months, Scarlett:
*weighs 12 pounds and 1/2 ounce (40%ile)
*is 25 inches long (90%ile)
*sleeps only 2-3 hours at a time at night.  Major regression this month!  She started the month sleeping 6+ hour stretches but something has changed and Momma is not a fan!
*naps are not consistent but when she does sleep she can give me a good hour or two.  Seems like every other day is a good nap day.  The off days she likes to catnap for about half an hour
*She takes most naps in her crib now that Daddy installed a nice warm heater in her room
*Sleeps in her Pack N Play bassinet (we took the "newborn napper" out, tear!)
*Laughs, smiles, coos at me all the time - she is always happy

*Loves to be on a blanket or her rainforest play mat.  She can now hit the toys, which excites her!

 *She found her hand/fingers this month, which means a drooly but happy baby!
*She sat in the bumbo seat for the first time this month, which you can see she enjoyed. 
Sister enjoyed it, too!
*She hasn't rolled over but she is getting pretty close.  This is probably because I don't put her on her tummy enough, but I hate making her cry!
* Can hold her head up well on her own
*Is exclusively breastfed and only takes bottles when I can't nurse.  She takes about 4 ounces at at time
*Her stool has improved, but it still not what it should be.  I have not had dairy in almost 6 weeks.  Her weight gain has been above average, though, so we are still not thinking about formula
*Skin is clear but seems to be sensitive
*Hair is getting lighter, eyes are lighter blue but I don't expect them to stay blue
*Wears some 0-3 month clothes, some 3-6
*Wears size 1 diaper
*Doesn't like her carseat or the swing, she would rather be held or flat on the floor
*Had her first cold this month - had watery eyes and a small cough, some congestion
*We all had the stomach virus but she didn't get it (thanks to nursing!)
*Experienced Christmas for the first time
*Went to her first MCHS basketball game on January 13 - she did great, even sleeping through most of it
Scarlett Jean,
You have brought so much joy to this family!  Your sister, Daddy and I love you more than you can ever know.  I cannot wait to see what next month holds, I love seeing you grow and explore the world!

We love you!

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