I honestly can't believe I am posting this. Shouldn't I be sharing the news of her birth!?
We are so incredibly blessed and in love with our girls. Scarlett has added something to our family that we never knew was missing but now couldn't live without. She is spunky yet snuggly, giggly yet determined.
At one year, Scarlett:
*weighs 21 lbs, 2 oz (50%ile)
*is 30.25 inches long (75%ile)
*goes to bed around 7 and wakes around 12 hours later. She sometimes sleeps straight through, sometimes wakes 1-2 times. She typically wants a bottle and is not soothed by anything else!
My mom made these outfits - I LOVE them!
There is something extra special about the girls clothes when they are made by Nana just for them. |
*takes 1 nap for about 2+ hours but can sometimes sneak in a catnap
*has 6 teeth - 4 on top and 2 on bottom
*still has the bluest eyes and is getting longer curls. Hair is dark blonde
*won't walk on her own but will cruise on furniture - she is a pretty fast crawler so I don't think she sees the appeal in walking! She usually sits down when you stand her up and laughs at you!
*takes formula in a bottle 3 times a day. I won't lie - I hate to wash bottles but hate even more the thought of my baby being too old for a bottle so I'm not rushing it! She drinks out of a straw cup and likes water and juice. She loves to let the water fall out of her mouth and soak her shirts!
*has had some dairy and we have seen no issues - yay! Plan to try whole milk soon!
*wears 12-18 month clothes, size 3 shoes and size 3 diapers
*loves to give kisses (see above!) and snuggle her head in my chest. She hides her face when she gets excited.
*has made many friends at church in the pews behind us. She loves to entertain during the sermon! She cries in tick tock (Bible class) when other kids cry or when the routine is changed. Apparently she doesn't like for people to come in the room!
*tries to draw with her right hand. She loves to use the bath crayons and draw on the tub like Lilli does. It is adorable and she is pretty good at it!
*says Mama, Dada, "mo" (more) and "baba" (bottle)

*loves to mimic whatever we do - making funny faces or sounds and watches intently when we speak.
*makes a really hilarious face where she squints her eyes and cocks her head, it cracks us all up!
"The Face" at a basketball game |
*went to the Wurth Farms Pumpkin Patch this year for the first time, she loves being outside so she was happy the entire time!
Normally I update the blog and write a little something to her but this time I wanted her Daddy to chime in. So here is the beautiful letter he wrote for her:
Our dearest Scarlett,
The curl in your hair, those gorgeous blue eyes, and that precious round face… those were the ways that we fell in love at first glance.
The funny face that you make, the endless giggles with your sister, and that adorable open mouth kiss on the cheek… these are the ways we know we’ll love you forever.
There is nothing that will amaze a mother or father more in their lifetime than this... Just when they think they have given all the love they could ever give, when they couldn’t imagine where the same love for another would come from, when their hearts are already on overtime, a daughter is born, and love’s true lesson is revealed. Love doesn’t divide, it multiplies. Their hearts swell, their love deepens, their faith strengthens. The blessings of God baffle understanding, they turn man’s wisdom on its head, and they wear pink socks.
Before you were born we prayed for you, in your mother’s tummy we sang to you, wrapped in swaddling clothes we rocked you, in your bare skin we bathed you, in your gowns and dresses we photographed you, in your bathing suit we swam with you, in your little tennis shoes we walked with you, and covered in your birthday cake we celebrated with you.
Today you turn one year old. We have a whole lifetime to look forward to spending together, but already we have enough love and memories together to make anyone’s lifetime feel whole.
We love you and God bless you,
Mommy and Daddy
We had a wonderful 1st birthday celebration and I will be recapping that next!